Week 1 Through 9

by Benjamin Blood on Monday, November 28, 2011

Are you ready for 9 weeks in one post? Ready or not here it comes!

Family Research and Societal Trends

Week 1

This week focused on the different kinds of family research that is being done right now. We tried not to take it at face value, but to look for bias and misleading facts. It has opened up my eyes. I didn’t know how easy it was to take a fact and twist it until it looks and sounds like something else. We also talked a lot about social trends. They seem to have a big influence over us. I am glad that I have come to a point in my life where I recognize what is good and true. I am less likely to be influenced by trends if I have eternal goals from a loving Heavenly Father.

Understanding Family Dynamics & Theories

Week 2

This week we talked about how we can classify families. We talked about the different theories we can use to examine how families work. There are many subsystems that exist in our own families, both of creation and origin. It is easier to look at how our families coexist and whether they do it in a healthy manner or not if we look at them using these theories. I look forward to applying this to both my family of origin and my family creation.

Social Class & Cultural Diversity

Week 3

We watched parts of a video in preparation for class. It is called People Like Us. It is a very interesting video that starts off with people judging others based off of just what they can see. It is interesting how we put people into groups based on such superficial descriptors. These can be things like who your ancestors were to what kind of shoes you are wearing. It made me look at my own life and realize that I do this too. It is so petty. I have made an effort to not be so judgmental of others. I need to realize that everyone Is a child of God. I did find a interesting video that I would like to share with all of you.


Gender and Family Life

Week 4

What a surprise! Men and women are actually different. I think that society has been trying so hard to make sure that everyone is equal on all things that they are trying to make us forgo our natural strengths. There is beauty in a man and a woman coming together and helping to make each other’s weaknesses strengths. We were created differently for a reason. We are taught what those reason are for in the proclamation to the family. I love my wife. I am glad that she is different from me. She is able to bring things to table that I can’t.

Preparing for Marriage

Week 5

This week we are talking about how to prepare for marriage. We focused a lot on dating before marriage. Our teacher Brother Williams shared many examples of clients who had gotten married but never really found out who they were marrying. It is so important to court your spouse. We need to know who we are getting married too! We have been told by prophets that we can make any marriage work if both involved live by the covenants made in the table, but why would we want to make our lives even harder than they are? I mean let’s date and learn all the important things we need to know about our significant others before we make an eternal commitment to them.

Transitions in Marriage

Week 6

We talked a lot about actually getting married this week. Brother Williams gave us some interesting statistics. He showed us a trend that the more you end up spending on your wedding the greater chance you will have an unhappy marriage. It’s not always that way but more often than not it seems to be that way. We also talked a lot about planning a wedding and who should be involved. What is the purpose of a wedding? I found myself thinking that question. It is a ceremony to bind two people together. They are yoked. They will take on all the good and the bad together. That is what is hoped for at least. We know that marriage is a eternal commitment between two people in the eyes of God. Hoe grateful I am for my wife. She is such a help to me. I love her so much. Even though we have our ups and our downs I know I can rely on her. She knows that I will always be there for her. It is a wonderful thing.

Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

Week 7

The thought of being unfaithful to my wife or her to me is one of the most uncomfortable things I can think about. I believe that all couples start out feeling the way I do. What makes them change their minds? What would cause someone to throw away years of hard work building a relationship for an act of selfish satisfaction? This is something I can’t understand. I hope I never can.

There are ways to prevent it. I believe that a strong base of communication needs to be established between the husband and wife. They need to be open and vocal with their likes and dislikes. They each mush have their needs met. Stay away from opposite sex friendships. It is playing with fire. Don’t do it. We have been counseled by a prophet of God to not do it. I think it is for a good reason. Love your spouse attend to their needs, and when your spouse does that for you be sure to reciprocate it. They are the most important thing to you. Keep it that way and let them know it!

The Family Under Stress

Week 8

We have had those moments in our families where we have been stressed. When a family crisis happens usually not everyone will respond in the same way. I know in my family my dad and I are the ones to “hold it together” until the crisis has passed. Then we can be affected by it. My mom and my sister show no signs of trying to hide how they are affected. They react and then try to nurture others. What is most important though is that we as a family know we can lean on each other. No one is left out. I am thankful for that example of family my parents have shown me. Going through the struggles we went through would have been a lot harder had they not made our family a safe place to be in times of crisis.

Communication and Mutual Problem Solving

Week 9

Communication is such a hard thing to convey. I know there are three sides to every story. What each party heard and then what was actually said. Why is it so hard to convey simple messages? I think it is because we don’t fully understand how to communicate. Our world is becoming filled with technology. This technology is a wonderful blessing but I do think it is hindering our ability to communicate with others. We know that only about 10% of our message is understood by the words being used. That is why texting is a real problem. It is a bad idea to ever talk about something important over text. There will be a miscommunication! We need to see and hear what is going on along with what is being said. Learn the cues of your loved ones. Learn how to react to them. I know it will make for a much closer and loving relationship if you do.